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Emma McClure

Click here​ for my CV. Also see my PhilPeople, and Research Gate pages.
Contact me at
Other links:
recording of a talk I gave at the University of Toronto Centre for Ethics on YouTube
​a blog post about my Black Feminist Existentialism course on the APA Syllabus Showcase
​an interview about my award-winning Intersectional and Decolonial Feminism(s) course
a blog post I co-wrote with Arianna Falbo and Heather Stewart on How to Support Graduate Students in COVID-19
my recent work with Alexandra Gustafson, Kristen Beard, and Andriy Bilenkyy on Toronto's Mental Health and Disability Caucus
Photo of me and Blake Hereth representing the Graduate Student Council at the 2018-19 American Philosophical Association Board of Officers Meeting
CV: Inner_about
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